Friday, July 24, 2009

An Egg a Day

This is our cute little egg shelf we got in Scotland! Like tomatoes, eggs taste better at room-temperature. Once refrigerated though, they lose that ability to stay fresh.

The thrill of finding a perfectly-shaped brown egg in the nest each morning has not yet lost it's luster. So far, we've been finding at least one, and sometimes two, eggs / day, which means that at least two of the birds are laying.

Last week, we had a Compound Feast of home-grown Juevos Rancheros. Delicious!

Little Lyla looks a little unsure about her egg-meal, but we're pretty sure she loved it. I mean, fresh eggs fried in butter - what's not to like?!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Okay, I've been a little absent on the Compound Blog because for a while there our chickens were just pecking, eating and you know.

But last weekend, Ted and Katy finally got around to building their nest boxes (little cozy cubbies to induce laying) and on Thursday, there was a beautiful little egg sitting in the upper box! It was perfect and completely unbelievable, except I saw it (and ate it) myself!

Here's how it went down: on Thursday morning, we awoke to a chicken-cooing fest happening outside our window. Ted went to see about the fuss, but nothing was happening. Frieda was chillin in the bottom nest and Sensei and Ruthie were sharing the top.

Later in the day, the girls were making a new and different sound. It was like, "Buck, buck, buck, buck-gaaa!" And, here is what we found when we went to check on them this time:
Neither the photo nor the egg have been touched to add sensation to the experience.