Our blue egg producer, Blondie, has quit! It's been over a month since we've found a non-brown egg in the nest, and we don't know what's up with our bird.

Okay so, it's true the other hens do pick and peck on her a lot. Even though she's been around for forever, they still treat her like the "newbie". Maybe Blondie's depressed because she has no friends?
Online research gives the following reasons for lack of egg production:
Declining Day Length: Um, no. Today is like the longest day of the year.
Improper Nutrition: Also, no. Our girls get the most expensive chicken feed at the store plus a good sampling of organic vegetable scraps from our very own kitchen.
Broodiness: She never goes into the nest, so it can't be that.
Molting: Nope. She's not losing her feathers.
Age: Again, a big "No". Blondie's only a year old which makes her prime for laying.
Disease: She looks healthy, right?
Conclusion: Our original hypothesis of chicken depression must be accurate. Anyone know a chicken therapist?