Last night, we had dinner over at our friends Ellis and Ben's house and brought home the most unusual chicken.

Introducing Blondie, the Ameruacana! She is the most lovely creature with cute little ear puffs and a gorgeous set of feathers. Our friends were sad to see her go, but they have a flock of seven and the noise / feather production was irritating neighbors. We were happy to help them out!

Aroused from slumber, Frieda, Ruthie and Blanca were shocked and horrified to see the new addition to their flock. Chickens make the most appropriate sounds sometimes - "eerrrrak?!" As if to say, "WTF?"

Here is beautiful Blondita. For now, we're keeping her safe inside the coop, while the others graze in the yard. I have a feeling Frieda is going to let her know who's boss, just as soon as she can.

Did I mention Blondita lays the coveted greenish-blue egg? Welcome to the Compound, Blondita!
I have to admit that when I read your post title, I immediately wondered which one you fried up :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely lady!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to practice saying "eerrrrak?!" - I think it will be very useful . . .